Monday, July 15, 2024

Wanderlust LO for Sketch N Scrap challenge

Good Morning and welcome. Here we are in the middle of July, like everyone else in the US we've been having some heatwaves this Summer :) for me I like when it's warm so I'm not complaining to much other than at work. We got a fun challenge layout over at Sketch N Scrap for the day. This sketch was created by Lori 

Such a cool sketch to be playing with I enjoyed creating this layout:
I had this one photo from CocoCay from the cruise that was perfect for the sketch using various items in my current counterfeit kit and my stash to represent the variety of the wood poles on the pier heading back to the ship :) The background paper was made a couple of months ago, its nice to have some mixed media papers on hand just for stuff like this. 

Thanks for stopping by today to see what I created and can't wait to see what you create from this cool sketch over at Sketch N Scrap blog.




1 comment:

  1. Love all the fun embellishments and the great texture on this layout Tina! Great job with the sketch!
