Wednesday, May 22, 2024

1st Christmas Decoration Up LO for a Counterfeit Kit Challenge

 Good morning and welcome to the blog. Today is sketch day challenge over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog. Misty is in charge this month and has provided us with a sketch that she created herself.

Master Forger Misty back with our monthly sketch challenge. I create sketches and offer them as freebies over on my blog. I chose this sketch from Feb '22 as our design to work with this month. I liked the patterns and shapes. I hope you can take this sketch in whatever direction works for you, from literal to very interpreted.

I enjoyed playing with the sketch and so glad to get a cut file used to from my kit:
I moved the title to the bottom of the layout to work better for me. As this is also a LOAD524 layout I used Reds and Greens for the technical prompt today of complimentary colors. Thank you for stopping by today and seeing what I'm up to in my little corner of the world. I hope you join us over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog for this fun challenge.

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