Thursday, September 12, 2024

Summer Holiday LO for a Counterfeit Kit Challenge

Good morning and welcome to the blog. It's the 1st challenge of the month over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog. Master Forger Brandi is in charge this month and this is her challenge:

 We'll be using this image from our inspiration kit, Daily Journal by Cocoa Daisy as our launching point for today's challenge!

I don't know about the rest of you, but this summer really did FLY by! And for our area, we're finishing up the second week of school already! I'm sure we all still have plenty of summer left to scrapbook, so grab your kit and some summertime fun photos and let's get creating! (You don't HAVE to use Summer 2024 photos.) 
I agree with Brandi Summer did fly by! The humidity this Summer was really bad and I spent a bunch of time indoors this Summer but I did enjoy a few days out and about and this layout is of one of those days. 
When I'm off a day during the week that is just like a holiday for me even though it was after the official holiday. Enjoy a day out with my Sister and we took in Penn's Cave in Pennsylvania. A postcard and a couple of pictures on this layout of the Statue of Liberty in the cave on of the formations :) and we didn't have to leave Pennsylvania to see the Statue of Liberty.
Thank you for stopping by today and seeing what I'm up to in my little corner of the world. I hope you join us over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog for this fun challenge.

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