Saturday, June 15, 2024

Central Park Deck 8 LO for Sketch N Scrap challenge

Good Morning and welcome. Here we are in the middle of June, we have been having some wet weather, but now it's starting to warm up well for the 1st day of Summer coming soon. We got a fun challenge layout over at Sketch N Scrap for the day. This sketch was created by Lori 


This one is so cool and so easy to play with too :) This is the layout I created with the sketch:

This was my favorite deck on the ship I enjoyed walking through the park quite often, usually either getting a coffee in the afternoon or heading to the stateroom. This view is from deck 16 when I was headed to the Windjammer for breakfast I get pics of it. Used my current counterfeit kit for my layout and I pulled in some wood veneer from my stash for the my clusters.

Thanks for stopping by today to see what I created and can't wait to see what you create from this cool sketch over at Sketch N Scrap blog.


1 comment:

  1. Stunning layout Tina! I love the patterns you used on this layout!
