Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Royal Promenade LO for a Counterfeit Kit Challenge

Good morning and welcome to the blog. Today is sketch day challenge over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog. Laurie is in charge this month and this is her challenge:

 It's time for challenge #2. This month's Inspiration kit was full of bright summery colors. I want you to create a layout bursting with color, using vibrant hues and playful patterns to express joy and creativity. Try starting with a bold background paper, then add contrasting bright colors in various patterns. 

used bright colors from my kit for my layout to emphasis the party atmosphere of boarding the ship. Definitely not my style so it certainly challenges me to use those types of colors and the bright ballons in the pictures helped me with the layout. Thank you for stopping by today and seeing what I'm up to in my little corner of the world. I hope you join us over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog for this fun challenge.





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