Sunday, August 18, 2024

Documented LO for a Counterfeit Kit Challenge

Good morning and welcome to the blog. It's the 2nd challenge of the month over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog. Master Forger Jody is in charge this month and this is her challenge:

  "This month's Inspiration kit was full of contrast. I want you to create your own black and yellow background paper to use on a project.   I hope I see some mixed media!!!"

This is such a fun challenge and had me reaching for my stencil. I made sure to add a yellow paper to my kit for this challenge and I used Black Soot distress ink for my stenciling for the challenge

From this stenciled background I created this layout:
The 3rd covered bridge I saw that Saturday of checking out some of the bridges in my area. This one is still in use and the oldest Columbia County. With all the pictures I have shame that I covered up most on that stenciling but still have a good bit showing. 

Thank you for stopping by today and seeing what I'm up to in my little corner of the world. I hope you join us over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog for this fun challenge.

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